Ocean Ridge Great American Cleanup Volunteers

Great America Cleanup Photo

Our thanks to the Ocean Ridge Great American Cleanup Volunteers. 16 bags of trash collected from our community. Back left to right: Bill Andrews, Bill Kozub, Ted Luckadoo, Doug Smith, Jim Pye. Front: Jane McCaffrey, Ann Luckadoo, Peggy Pye, Iddy Andrews.

Town of Edisto Beach Considering Change to Golf Card Ordinance

Good afternoon Ocean Ridge Friends,

We want to make you aware that the Town of Edisto Beach is considering a change to the Golf Cart Ordinance. Click proposed ordinance for more details. If adopted, a significant change in the ordinance would be that all golf cart owners purchase a decal from the Town annually at a cost of $5. Please note, there would be no charge for a decal to any person 65 years of age or older who is a permanent resident, living full time at the premise or the premise is a second home for the person for whom the decal is issued.

If you have questions regarding this proposed ordinance, please contact the Town of Edisto Beach. Have a wonderful spring!

Ocean Ridge Great American Cleanup

trash-pick-upTrash grabbers, Great American Cleanup T-Shirts, and trash bags will be available that morning. To volunteer to be a part of our efforts to clean up trash around Ocean Ridge, email us at oceanridgempoa@outlook.com. If you have questions, please call Iddy Andrews at (843) 631-1066. Details about our meeting place will be emailed to all volunteers. Hope to see you then.

Download our flyer (PDF)!

MPOA Ocean Ridge Shrimp Boil April 30, 2016


Come meet your neighbors!

Lion’s Club at 2907 Myrtle Street
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

$10 per person; Kids 10 and under FREE
Hot Dogs, Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks, and Water

RSVP:  Horace Kinsey (hkinsey@trustscs.com) by April 20th.