CHANGE: Annual Ocean Ridge Social Shrimp Boil

Due to a conflicting event at Bay Creek Park and insufficient parking, The Annual Ocean Ridge Social Shrimp Boil location has been changed from Bay Creek Park to the Lion’s Club at 2907 Myrtle Street. Call your reservations in soon. Hope to see you there!


April 30, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

***Lion’s Club – 2907 Myrtle Street***

Hot Dogs, Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks, & Water 

$10 per person; 10 Years & under Free

RSVP by April 20  

Come and meet your neighbors!

Construction on SC-174 Edisto Island, Charleston County

Information from Carolina Bridge Company (General Contractors)

Beginning April 4th, 2016 there will be intermittent lane closures during the day on SC-174.  Please expect these lane closures most week days during the month of April.  During the week of April 4th, the lane closures will be at Store Creek.  As the work progresses, lane closures will also be needed at Russel and Sand creeks in the coming weeks.  Please allow for possible traffic delays during this time period.

Please contact Carolina Bridge Company with any questions or concerns: 803-536-1156.  We appreciate your patience and cooperation.