Ocean Ridge MPOA Annual Meeting 2022 Presentation Slides
Posted 1/17/22: Thank you to all who attended the virtual Ocean Ridge MPOA 2022 Annual Meeting. Click Presentation Slides (PDF) to view a copy of the Power Point used during the meeting.
Posted 1/17/22: Thank you to all who attended the virtual Ocean Ridge MPOA 2022 Annual Meeting. Click Presentation Slides (PDF) to view a copy of the Power Point used during the meeting.
Ocean Ridge MPOA – Annual Meeting via Zoom
Time: Jan 15, 2022, 09:00 AM Eastern Time
Click Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 852 2571 8454
Passcode: 704904 (enter the passcode when instructed).
You will be muted at the beginning of the meeting, but there will be a time at the end when you may ask questions. Instructions will be given at that time. An agenda was included in the information that Association Voting sent to you. The minutes of the 2021 Annual meeting can be found on our website: www.oceanridgempoa.com.
Posted 1/5/22: As most of you are aware, January 15, 9 a.m., is our MPOA Annual Meeting. Due to rising COVID numbers, the meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. We invite you to join us by following the directions on this website. They will be posted on the day of the meeting.
If you have not yet voted, please vote your proxy. The information on how to vote came to you via email from announcement@associationvoting.com in early December.
If you have comments or questions you would like addressed by the board at the annual meeting, please text them to (843) 908-0613 either Friday, January 14, or during the meeting. Please include your full name and Ocean Ridge address.
We wish you good health and happiness in 2022.
Posted 12/11/21: The Ocean Ridge 2022 Annual Meeting is Saturday, January 15. The meeting will be held at the Edisto Lions Club located at 2907 Myrtle Street beginning at 9:00 a.m.
If meeting plans change due to Covid restrictions, we will send out an email, post on Facebook, and also put on our website.
Your participation, in person or by Proxy, is critical to ensure that the Association obtains a quorum and will be able to conduct business at the meeting. If we have your email on file, you should receive a notice by email and can vote online. The email will come from: announcement@associatedvoting.com
If the email is not in your inbox, please check your “junk” folder.
If we do not have your email on file, you should receive a notice by US mail. Please complete the proxy included in the notice and return it by mail or you may return your Proxy by sending it via email to hkinsey@sw-community.com.
Posted 1/18/21: Thank you to all who attended the virtual Ocean Ridge MPOA Annual Meeting 2021. Click Presentation Slides (PDF) to view a copy of the Power Point used during the meeting.