Category Archives: Annual Meeting Voting

Ocean Ridge 2022 Annual Meeting

Posted 12/11/21:  The Ocean Ridge 2022 Annual Meeting is Saturday, January 15. The meeting will be held at the Edisto Lions Club located at 2907 Myrtle Street beginning at 9:00 a.m.

If meeting plans change due to Covid restrictions, we will send out an email, post on Facebook, and also put on our website.

Your participation, in person or by Proxy, is critical to ensure that the Association obtains a quorum and will be able to conduct business at the meeting. If we have your email on file, you should receive a notice by email and can vote online. The email will come from:

If the email is not in your inbox, please check your “junk” folder.

If we do not have your email on file, you should receive a notice by US mail. Please complete the proxy included in the notice and return it by mail or you may return your Proxy by sending it via email to

Casting Your Ballot for 2019 Annual Meeting

To those MPOA members for whom we have email addresses, between December 14 and December 18 you should receive an email from the Ocean Ridge MPOA with information about the 2019 annual meeting with instructions on casting your ballot. In the “From” line, it will have this email address:

That email will be your only notice about the annual meeting, so be sure to open it and follow the directions.

All other owners for whom we do not have an email address will receive the annual meeting notice through the US mail. If you have questions, please contact Horace Kinsey at

Casting Your Ballot

To those of you for whom we have email addresses, today you should have received an email from the Ocean Ridge MPOA with information about the 2018 annual meeting together with instructions on casting your ballot. That email will be your only notice about the annual meeting, so be sure to open it and follow the directions. In the “From” line, it has this address “” The subject line will be “*CORRECTION* Cast Your Vote for Ocean Ridge MPOA 2018 Online Election.”

An earlier email was sent out from this same email address which you should disregard. All other owners for whom we do not have an email address will receive the annual meeting notices as usual through the US mail.

Thanks, and Merry Christmas!


At the 2017 MPOA Annual Meeting, the membership voted to initiate the process of electronic voting in the interest of limiting postage cost. Therefore, this year, we will email all annual meeting notices and information to MPOA members for whom we have email addresses. That email will be your only notice, so please be alert for an email from the Ocean Ridge MPOA and watch Facebook and website posts. Information on the procedure for casting your votes will be included. All other owners for whom we do not have an email address will receive the annual meeting notices as usual through the US mail.

We hope to see you at the January 13 Annual Meeting at the Edisto Beach Lions’ Club. Refreshments will be served at 8:30 a.m. with the meeting following at 9:00 a.m.